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作者:嘉誉达建设 / 2021-12-21 08:12:14

 一、规格尺寸影响恒温恒湿室造价:1、 Specifications and dimensions affect the cost of constant temperature and humidity chamber:

从理论上来讲,恒温恒湿实验室规格尺寸越大,所耗费的人工,材料就越多,导致总体成本与造价就越高。但是从单价上来说,面积(体积)越少,单价就越高!Theoretically, the larger the size of constant temperature and humidity laboratory, the more labor and materials will be consumed, resulting in higher overall cost and cost. But in terms of unit price, the less the area (volume), the higher the unit price!

二、温湿度的要求影响恒温恒湿室造价:2、 The requirements of temperature and humidity affect the cost of constant temperature and humidity chamber:

恒温恒湿实验室的环境温度一般介于18-32度,湿度一般介于40-65%RH,如果温度低于18度、高于32度或温度低于40%RH、高于65%RH则造价会增高。The ambient temperature of constant temperature and humidity laboratory is generally between 18-32 ℃ and the humidity is generally between 40-65% RH. If the temperature is lower than 18 ℃ and higher than 32 ℃, or the temperature is lower than 40% RH and higher than 65% RH, the cost will increase.

三、温湿度的控制精度影响恒温恒湿实验室造价:3、 The control accuracy of temperature and humidity affects the cost of constant temperature and humidity laboratory:

恒温恒湿实验室的精度一般控制在:温度正负1度,湿度正负5%,如果精度高于上述产数则造价会增高。比如:温度正负0.5度,湿度正负2%的造价肯定会比常规恒温恒湿室的造价高。The accuracy of constant temperature and humidity laboratory is generally controlled at: temperature plus or minus 1 degree and humidity plus or minus 5%. If the accuracy is higher than the above output, the cost will increase. For example, the cost of temperature plus or minus 0.5 ℃ and humidity plus or minus 2% will certainly be higher than that of conventional constant temperature and humidity chamber.

四、恒温恒湿实验室的主要配置影响造价:4、 The main configuration of constant temperature and humidity laboratory affects the cost

:比如压缩机,国产的压缩机价格比较便宜,成本就低,而进口压缩机价格比较贵,导致成本的增加。此外是否需要全部采用不锈钢的材料,不锈钢材料成本比较贵,价格也会增加;控制仪表仪器进口的比国产的造价要高。For example, the price of domestic compressors is relatively cheap and the cost is low, while the price of imported compressors is relatively expensive, resulting in an increase in cost. In addition, whether all stainless steel materials are needed. The cost of stainless steel materials is relatively expensive and the price will increase; The cost of imported control instruments is higher than that of domestic ones.

五、恒温恒湿实验室工程商影响造价:5、 Construction cost of constant temperature and humidity laboratory:很多经销商和代理商,往往会从中赚取一系列的中间费用,从而直接导致成本上升,价格增加。而像科瓦特机电属于直营工程商,就没有上述环节的差价。Many dealers and agents often earn a series of intermediate fees, which directly leads to the rise of costs and prices. For example, kovat Electromechanical is a direct engineering company, so there is no price difference in the above links.

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